Patriot Guard of Illinois
Protocols for the Handling of a Killed In Action and Active Duty Death
In the event of a KIA or ADD, there are different ways we will be notified. Most often, it will come from The Casualty/Mortuary Affairs Office of the specific branch. Sadly, the Military makes a distinct difference between a KIA and ADD. KIAs most often will be brought home on a private flight, most likely Kalitta Air. ADDs will be aboard a commercial flight, in the cargo hold.
They will provide:
A surviving family member or Funeral home can make the request as well. Sometimes we will get a request from a friend or "battle buddy", These requests cannot be honored. Tell the requestor that requests MUST come from a family member. Unless, of course, they are acting with the family's permission. Given the scope of these Missions, they should be handled by the SRC and/or ASRC. If unable, then, the best qualified to do so. Once an RC is determined, this should be done. Contact requestor. Assure them we will do all necessary.
In the event of a KIA or ADD:
Once all dignified transfer details are solidified:
All numbers can be found with a google search. Ask for a Deputy Chief or Watch Commander.
Write up a Mission post with all pertinent info:
In event of a KIA:
For ADD a different routine will happen.
In event of a planeside transfer:
Document created by Dave Gier
Region 1 SRC